sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2007

"my presentation"

Hi, my name is Pedro Luzardo, but everybody calls me “Gordo”. I`m from Maracaibo. I`m 17 years old and I study Industrial engineering at urbe. I live in San Francisco in the Manzanillo.

I love playing volleyball and soccer, talking on the phone with my family and mi girlfriend. I love to sleep too. I love my mother, my father and my brothers.

I hate rock music, smoking, getting up early on weekends. I hate korn and metallica.

My dream is to visitic Francia and Las Vegas. Of course, I want to graduate from engineering.
And my opinion about English is that it’s very important but, I need to practice more. The most difficult for me is speaking

2 comentarios:

.·:::Dainesita:::·. dijo...

Hi Pedro i loved it your blog because is very interesting.

pedro dijo...

Hi Daine how are you? I miss you so much, i like your photos and your blog.. see you. kisses ^^